Monday, December 31, 2012
Pumped and Ready 2013
I have been ruthless in what I keep and how long I keep it for. I wasn't perfect though. I found I still sometimes went back to good old faithful retail therapy every now and then and made purchases that just weren't that useful and had to go back to the store......It's going to take some more work to get me truly rethinking how I live and operate day to day. This year at the very least made me more aware of the stuff I was buying and each time I picked something up either in the store or in my own home I would stop to ask myself if it really was something that I needed. It was a freeing year and I definitely feel less attached to the stuff I own at this point.
My last purge total that I posted in June was 162 items that left via donation, sale, recycle, or garbage from my home. I have continued to keep track from that point and have purged an additional 155 items bringing my grand total for 2012 to: 318! That's nearly 1 item per day which make me pretty happy! I am going to see if I can exceed that for 2013.
I am even ending the year and gearing up for a new year by purging 13 items from my closet this morning. Happy 2013!! What better way to end the year than by saying good-bye to stuff and giving one last node to my word of the year for 2012- simplicity! The best part is that it didn't even take me that long I was in and out within 15 mins. A far cry from the hours I've spent at the beginning of the year debating on whether or not to get rid of stuff. If it hasn't been worn and I don't love it, then it goes!
And stay tuned- I'll be sharing my word of the year for 2013 shortly!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Simplicity of Love
It really got me thinking about love. Hey, I've been married for 10 years so it's safe to say it's been awhile for me since I had the butterflies in my stomach. I was starting to lament the loss of young love until I started counting the things that long term, committed love has over young love.
My "old love" has:
- predictable coffee dates every Sunday morning
- A kiss and an "I love you" every night before bed
- A kiss and a "have a nice day" every morning before work
- Shared jokes that still make us laugh - remember "husband of the year" hun? :)
- The knowledge that I am the one he comes home to every night without fail
- The safety of being authentically sick, said, angry, hurt, joyful in front of him and knowing that I won't be judged
- A life mate, soul mate, and helper for the rest of my days on earth
Sunday, May 13, 2012
For the Ladies....
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The Finish Line
It's been a weird couple of days letting it all sink in. I worked hard for this race, 9 months of training, special diets, etc. I think I thought that the world would maybe look different after I finished. In a few ways I was a little disappointed. Experiencing disappointment wasn't part of my training schedule.....so why was this happening? It got me thinking about the simplicity of the race.
I was all reved up to have this life changing moment the second I crossed the finish line on Sunday. I even planned the dance I would do once I had "reached my goal". What I didn't realize was that my life changing moment happened over the course of time. It wasn't the race that made me a half marathoner, it was all the hard work and preparation that I had put in over the course of the last 9 months that changed me. I was moulded and shaped by every Km I ran through wind, snow, ice, fatigue, joy, anger, and pain.
When I started the race on Sunday I was already a 1/2 marathoner, the race didn't suddenly define who I was, it was the product of who I had become. I've pushed through when the going was tough. I've bought and stunk up the running gear. I've headed out to run when the rest of the world was wrapped up in blankets with a cup of coffee to stay warm. I've beaten the voices in my head that told me I could never make 14Km let a lone 21Km. I've learned how to balance my protein and carbohydrate intake to maximize my performance. I've had bad weeks where I didn't run at all but got back on the band wagon the following week.
In looking back on my disappointment and reflecting- I thought I was going to be a different person once that finishers medal was draped around my neck but in reality I never realized the simple fact that I was already a different person when I started the race. In fact- the whoop I let out as I started the race was bigger than the joy I had when I finished. At the start line I was already changed. I held within myself the discipline, determination, and preparation required to cross the finish line and it felt awesome!!!
This week I've learned: It's not always about the finish line but rather it's about the preparation to exuberantly know you can confidently stand at the starting line. Getting to the starting line is sometimes the hardest part.
What are your goals? What's going to get you to your starting line? I hope that at the beginning of your "race" you can let out the same enthusiastic "whoop!" that I did- knowing you have prepared for your moment and have the ability to finish.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Simplifying Beauty
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Alberta Votes 2012- Reminder
But please, please, please.....if you live in Alberta- GO OUT AND VOTE!!!! All the details you need are in my post form last week. I don't even care who you vote for as long as you let your voice be heard. Let's get our voting rate up from last time we went to the polls!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Alberta Votes 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012

I am working towards making these posts a regular thing on Sunday nights. My Sundays are typically the day that I use to wind up for the week ahead, reflect on what the last week was like, plan my coming week and reflect on life in general. At the risk of making this overly philosophical I will stop there- just know that I do a lot of planning, thinking etc. in my head on a day to day basis with the peak of this planning occurring on Sundays!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Things to Do: Simplifying the Everyday
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Socks- those wonderful warm tubes you wear on your feet
Thursday, January 12, 2012
ARGH my closet!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
My Journey
I expect this year to be a difficult one for me. I don’t expect that I have decided to simplify and that it will all happen in January. Yes, I’ve started making progress already and I am really excited, but I know that this year will be a lot of blood sweat and tears. I’ve already laid awake a few nights thinking “what the heck did I decide to do to myself?” I am realistic in acknowledging that this little word “simplify” may actually take me on a multi-year journey. I have bought in though hook, line, and sinker!
I am excited about the journey and look forward to posting pictures of my newly simplified spaces and processes that surround me.
So what are you waiting for? Jump in with me and hey, I would love to hear your stories too. And when the going gets tough we can cry together as we learn to part with our stuff.
Simply Yours.