Come follow me as I embark on a journey to simplify my life and rid myself of the physical baggage that is preventing me from living to the fullest.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

ARGH my closet!

Alright so if you are following along, you know that I have committed to purging some stuff out of my life and that January's focus is my closest. In hindsight I should have started with something that was a little less close to my heart. I LOVE my clothes. They invoke great memories for me and I will often remember an event or a time in my life when I look at a certain top, pair of shoes, or dress.

I have committed to getting all my clothes into 1, yes 1, solitary closet. I have been using our spare bedroom closet for the last 6ish years to store some of my clothes. Now you may be thinking two closets is a bit excessive and let me assure you that I agree. However, I would like to be clear that they are neither are walk-in closets. Saying that makes me feel just a bit better about myself ;)

I've been spending time every day thinking of one thing I can get rid of and then either throwing it in the garbage if it's too old and abused to do anything with, putting it in the give away pile, or putting it in the sell pile. A few non-closet things snuck in as I was on a roll and things came to mind, I added them to the list and purged.

To date this is what has left my home:
2 overalls
5 sweaters
11 pairs of shoes
6 placemats
4 envelopes of craft stuff
2 Jackets
6 Shirts/t-shirts
2 skirts
5 scarfs
bathing suit cover up
8 tank tops
2 vests
PJ pants
1 purse
1 small suitcase
2 pairs of socks
bread mix
Running Total: 63

Some of it is in a holding pattern as I have it ready to go to consignment when I drop off on February 4th- Yeah me!

so are you ready for it.........reveal time! with all this purging this is what I have left from the second closet. I'm getting really close to being down to just one closet. I count 34 items which I hope is doable. Any tips for making it there by the end of the month, the last part is going to be the hardest!!


1 comment:

  1. I've been putting off organizing my closets for the same reason. You've done an awesome job so far! Keep it up!!!!
