Come follow me as I embark on a journey to simplify my life and rid myself of the physical baggage that is preventing me from living to the fullest.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Alberta Votes 2012

So I initially expected this year's word "simplicity" to take me on a journey of decluttering my house. I really saw it in the physical sense. However, as I embark further on this journey I realize how simplicity can really be lived out in everyday life. The word is truly transforming my mind and how I approach my world.

This month is an important one for Alberta. We are out to the polls for our provincial election. Simplicity has taken on a new form for me in this. I am realizing that simply going out to the polls is not enough. I need to become more invested in this election - no I am not going door knocking to complicate my life with additional commitments- but I am challenging why I vote the way I vote and what is the best way for me to vote. Simply- I am doing my part to become an informed citizen.

And while elections are not simple in any way shape or form. You can easily spend all day reading what the newspapers and facebookers are saying. I am not reading every piece of garbage and nonsense that is being thrown about by the election but I am looking at candidates profiles and watching the debates. So in the spirit of simplifying your lives I have put together a few links you may find of interest as you navigate the barrage of weblinks, news coverage, etc. this election time.

1. where do you go to vote? Am I registered to vote? check it out here:
2. what party do I align with the most? This was very eye opening for me to complete. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/albertavotes2012/features/votecompass.html
3. and last but not least the parties and what they stand for. They can all be accessed off this site. http://www.elections.ab.ca/Public%20Website/603.cfm

and while I am not encouraging you to vote for any particular party, I am encouraging you to see what's out there and get out and simply get your voice heard! We are so privileged to have this opportunity!

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